Updated & enlarged Musgrove Family Tree

Freya Bailey
(great great great grandaughter of George and Emily Musgrove points out Les Strong (married to
Laura Strong great great grand daughter opf George and Emily) training in Richmond Park in his Fulham
days as a player, other players in the picture include George Best, Bobbie Moore and Rodney Marsh.
Sydney Brooker's Eightieth Birthday
Syd is pictured with his wife Doreen, his sister Pat, two children Tony and Jill, Four
grand children Charlot, Jack, Jordan, and Daniel, son in law Jason, daughter in law

Some sad news - John Henry Digby passed away.
John Digby, son of Jack and Lillian Digby, grandson of Arthur and Lillian Digby, great grandson of George and Emily Musgrove. died on the 28th of January after a short illness aged
88. The well attended funeral took place at Cambridge Crematorium. John's wife Jane and his daughter Alison predeceased him. Arthur and Lillian had ten great grandchildren three have died.

Sad news I'm afraid John Clarke has passed
away aged 71 on 17th Nov 2018.
John was the son of Alfred and Joyce Clarke, grandson of Arthur and Marbelle Digby,great grandson of George and Emily Musgrove. Arthur and Marbelle had seven children onedied shortly after birth the remaining six had ten children eight
are still with us. John and Hazel had two childrVincentand Jason. Vincent and Leah had one daughter Summer picture below.
Jason and Janine had four children Tabitha, Josiah, Moses and Obidiah picture below. John and Hazel see recent pic below. Hazel
and the two boys decided the funeral should be a celebration of John's life and not a sad occasion see below.

2018 Graduation Daniel Franklin 
Daniel Franklin graduates from Colchester University, pictured above with his brother
Jordan, Dad Jason
mum Jill

A recent group in Frinton. Left to right Jack grandson of Syd and Doreen, Syd Brooker great
grandson of George Musgrove. Dave Wilson first cousin of Syd. Tony Brookert son of Syd,
Kate Boydell partner of John Bailey, Doreen wife of Syd Brooker, Donna wife of

Sydney Brooker sent this old pic (1940 ish) Pat Brooker on the left Pam Brooker
centre Syd, on the right another pic of Syd. Lilly Digby their grandmother peeps
in on the right. The eagle eyed will notice that Syd appears twice (it's two pictures

Photographed above 30th July 1917 John Clarke, David Wilson and Hazel Clarke
get together. John Clarke
and David Wilson are first cousins both grandsons of
Arthur and Lilly Digby .
2017 Maidie Wakefield 70th Birthday

Photographed above are (left to right) Dave Wilson, Maidie with her
daughter Lucy holding baby Molly, Karen Floyd. her sister Laura Strong
and daughter Lilly.
Arthur Digby old photographs

Sid Brooker found this great old photo of Arthur Digby and his
daughter Joyce (married Alfred Clarke) taken
about 1921.
Also shown is Arthur Digby giving the wartime victory salute made
popular by Winston Churchill.
2016 Graduation Jordan Franklin
Jordan Franklin (son of Jason & Jill Franklin, grandson of Sid &
Doreen Brooker, great grandson of Charles & Winnifred Brooker,
Great great grandson of Arthur & Marbelle Digby, great great
great Grandson of George & Emily Musgrove), graduates July
2016 poses with mother Jill brother Daniel and fatherJason

2015 January Death of Alison Digby

Less than six months after the death of his wife Jane. John Digby's
daughter Alison died at the age of 57. Alison was a beautiful girl
so full of life. Her popularity was demonstrated by over 120 people
coming to her funeral in Charing Kent.
2014 July Death of Jane Digby

Sadly Jane Digby Died July 2014 aged 90. Jane was born and bred in the
centre of London, the Shoe Lane Fleet Street area. As a child she played
in the huge offices, amongst the presses which produced the Nation's daily
newspapers. She was very popular with a unique character. She always
said that she would like a traditional funeral behind two black horses Her
husband John Digby and daughter Alison duly arranged a great send off.

1st Aug 2014 Three first cousins meet Dave Wilson, Pat Bailey and Syd
Brooker joined by John Bailey (son of Fred & Pat Bailey nee Brooker)
Right Jordan (son of Jason &
Jill Franklin). Little girl Freya daughter
of John Bailey & Emmie Johnson
Baby Harley Tyson Thomas born
Dec 19th 2013 son of Kathryn and
Dean, grandson of Jack & Annette Musgrove great grandson of Bernard & Joan Musgrove, great great grandson of Rupert & Alice Musgrove, great great great greatgrandson of George & Emily Musgrove |

Maggie, Jack and Anna, the children of Eric and Frances Wilson. The pictures were
taken by Frances. They are grandchildren of Roy and Geri Wilson, great grandchildren of
Walter and Blanche Wilson, great great grandchildren of Arthur and Lilly Digby and great,
great, great grandchildren of George and Emily. Xmas 2012.

( son of Fred & Pam Warren, grandson of Charlie & Winiifred
Brooker, great grandson of Arthur & Lilly Digby and great great
grandson of George and Emily) and his new wife Beata pose in front
of Niagara Falls after their
wedding on the 28th April 2011.

Jason Clark (great great grandson of George & Emily)
his wife Janine & children
Tabitha, Josiah, Moses & Obidiah
celebate Jason's 40th birthday 23.07.2010

Violet Digby widow of George Digby son of Arthur Digby and
Lilly Musgrove grandson of George Musgrove. Violet was the
last surviver of this generation.
2010 May - New Relations from New Zealand
email received from descendant of Philip Luscombe Hollings
I found your website while
searching for information about my grandfather, Phillip Luscombe
. It was most interesting to read about his English history
and forebears as I knew very little about
his life before he emigrated
to New Zealand. On your site you have that he married my grandmother
Frances Elizabeth Perry and list 7 children. In fact they had 13
children, the 12th being my mother,
Zoe Phillipa who was born in
1916 and is still alive in Wellington, NZ at the age of 94.
I am
writing a book on my own life and wanted to include as much background
as I
could about all my grandparents and their forebears too.
is an excerpt that you might be interested in.
Phillip Luscombe Hollings emigrated to New Zealand in 1894.His bother
Alfred W G Hollings
and family followed in 1904 Phillip married
Fanny Elizabeth Perry in 1897. At the time of his
marriage he was
managing clerk to Mr A. R Bunny, Masterton. Phillip was Mayor of
Masterton between 1902-03 and again 1908-1916. He was an outstanding
barrister and
solicitor and was appointed to the magisterial bench
in 1919. In 1903 he took
a case to the privvy council in England
and won it. Not bad for a boy raised
in an English workhouse. There
is a plaque commemorating him on the
band rotunda in the park at
Masterton. He died in 1931.
With your permission I would like to reproduce the photo of Mary
1801-1867, my great, great grandmother and the one of
her with her daughter,
Mary Anne who was Phillip's sister in my
book.If you would like any more information
on the NZ family of Phillip
, please do not hesitate to email me.Kind regards Robin A Brown
October Hollings

The first of our other related famillies' section covers
the Hollings and
Bristow families with information dating back to the early 1800's