Ray and Betty were both born and educated in
London and married at Caxton Hall Westminster in 1957. Ray worked for Buroughs the big computer company, they moved to the US in 1962 and settled in Detroit Michigan. Sadly Ray died of cancer in 2002. Their son Stephen married Cathey in 2000 they now live in Pontiac Michigan. Both families are animal lovers. Betty took a great interest in wild birds and was concerned about the emphasis the State put on game animals. For twenty years she was active in the Michigan Audubon Society and for two years was president during which time she led the society to organise a state run programme for the protection of nongame animals. On the left is Morgan a rescued basset owned by Stephen and Cathey they also have another Basset and two cats. On the right sits Whisky Betty's cat she also has two other cats. Top left the family Stephen, Betty, Ray and Cathey enjoy a night out. On the right is Stephen and Cathey's wedding group.

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